Professional Android Developer Roadmap Detail

Professional Android Developer Roadmap Detail

  1. Programming Language
    1. Kotlin
    2. Java
    3. xml
  2. Android Studio
    1. Debugger
    2. CPU Profiler
    3. Android SDK
      1. Android Debug Bridge
      2. Emulator
      3. SDK Manager
  3. App Manifest
    1. Data Backup
    2. Permissions
  4. App Components
    1. Activity
      1. Activity Lifecycle
      2. Tasks & Backstack
    2. Fragment
      1. Fragment Manager
      2. Fragment Transaction
      3. Fragment Lifecycle
    3. Broadcast Receiver
    4. Service
      1. Notifications
        1. Notification Channels
      2. Intent Service
    5. Intent
      1. Intent Filters
      2. Implict Intents
      3. Explict Intents
  5. User Interface
    1. Resources
      1. Strings
        1. Localizable Strings
        2. Quantity Strings
        3. String Array
        4. Spans
      2. Fonts
        1. xml fonts
        2. Downloadable fonts
      3. Styles
        1. Styleables
        2. Themes
      4. Drawables
        1. Adaptative Icons
        2. Vector Drawables
        3. Animation Drawables
        4. Bitmap
        5. Mipmap
    2. UI Components
      1. Input Fields – Input Methods
      2. Clickable Components
      3. AppBar / Toolbar
      4. Adapter View
      5. Multimedia Components
        1. Image Loaders
        2. Picasso
        3. Glide
    3. UI Layouts
      1. Linear Layout
      2. Constraint Layout
      3. Relative Layout
      4. Frame Layout
      5. Recycler View
  6. More User Interface
    1. Progress Bar
    2. Spinner
    3. Search Interface
    4. Toast & Snackbar
    5. Dialogs & Pickers
  7. Storage
    1. Data Storage
      1. SQLite
      2. Shared Preferences
      3. Realm
    2. File Storage
      1. File Provider
  8. Architecture
    1. Quality Assurance
      1. Linters
        1. Delekt
        2. KtLint
        3. Android Lint
      2. Tests
        1. Espresso
        2. Robolectric
        3. UI Automator
        4. JUnit
      3. Unit Tests
      4. Integration Tests
      5. Instrumentation Tests
      6. Somke Tests
    2. Dependency Injection
      1. Koin
      2. Kodein
      3. Dagger
    3. Code Architecture
      1. MVVM (Model – View – ViewModel)
      2. MVP (Model – View – Presenter)
      3. MVI ( Model – View – Intent)
      4. MVC (Model – View – Controller)
      5. VIPER
  9. Build Configuration
    1. Build Types
    2. Build Flavors
    3. Gradle
      1. Groovy
  10. Thread Handling
    1. Handlers
    2. Coroutines
    3. Async Task
  11. Network Handling
    1. Retrofit
    2. Volley
    3. Json Conventers
      1. Gson
      2. Moshi
  12. Android jetpack
    1. Material Design
    2. Emoji
    3. Navigation
    4. Data binding
    5. Architecture Components
    6. Androidx
      1. Support Library
    7. Multidex
      1. Slices
  13. Architecture Components
    1. Room (SQlite)
    2. Livedata
    3. ViewModel
    4. Paging Library
    5. WorkManager (Thread Handling)
  14. Google Libraries
    1. Firebase
      1. Authentication
      2. Firestore
      3. Remote Config
      4. ML Kit
      5. Analytics & Crashlytics
      6. Test lab
      7. Cloud Messaging
      8. App Indexing
      9. Dynamic Links
    2. Google Play Services
      1. Google Maps
  15. Security
    1. Proguard
    2. Keystore
  16. Sensors
    1. Position
    2. Enviroment
    3. Motion
    4. Camera
  17. Content Providers
    1. Contact Provider
    2. Calendar Provider
  18. Animation
    1. Object Animation
    2. Transition
  19. App Publishing
    1. Play Store
      1. App Billing
      2. App Links
      3. App Actions
      4. Intant Apps
    2. App APK
      1. App Bundle
  20. Accessibility
    1. Screen Readers
  21. Android Auto
    1. Android TV
    2. Android Wear
    3. Android Things
  22. Hybrid
    1. Flutter
    2. React Native
    3. Xamarin
    4. Ionic / Cordova
  23. Connectivity
    1. Download Manger
      1. Sync Adapter
      2. Connectivity Manager
    2. Wifi
      1. Telecom (SIM Card)
      2. Bluetooth
      3. NFC



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